
Published on May 31st, 2017 | by thec0re3


Character List May Be Confirmed For Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite

After the second big reveal for Marvel Vs. Cacpom Infinite was unveiled, it certainly reengaged the gears for excited fans when it came to potential characters especially for the Capcom side of the roster.

We anticipated a big roster announcement during the upcoming E3 week but a possible leak may just tell us whats to come before the big show!! Ryce, a well known member of NeoGaf released what may be the initial roster for MVCI. Ryce has leaked information in the past some of which has come to be true. We have added the list below and are warning you to look at your own risk:


Monster Hunter
Strider Hiryu
X(Mega  Man)


Captain America
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Iron Man

As a side note, the playable character in the Rocket/Groot combination has not been confirmed. Ryce also mentioned Venom as one of the future DLC characters for the game. Earlier, before Ryce released the leaked list, he went on record to say that fans may not be happy with MVCI’s roster.

As you may have already noticed, many of the popular X-Men characters such as Wolverine and Storm are missing from this implied cast likely bringing us to what several fans already felt would unfortunately be the case. It has been no secret that Marvel has been in a bit of a feud with Fox, who owns the filming rights to X-men and some of the other popular Marvel characters.

As a result, Marvel strategically halted any further creations of new X-men characters and it would seem they may be taking this a step further by not giving us the classic characters who have graced the series since its inception. Even with this possibility, we can not rule our beloved X-men characters out so quickly. After all, there is still the possibility of them showing up as future DLC.

We could go on about Marvel but we certainly can’t ignore the Capcom side of the roster. If this list is correct, then many of the characters introduced in Marvel Vs Capcom 3 will be making their return. Jedah, who comes from the Vampire Savior series and Monster Hunter, who comes from the action rpg series with the same name, are new additions to the franchise and we absolutely hope that they are confirmed as we would love to see what they have in store.

With E3 just two more weeks away, the hype is starting to reach a feverish high and it just can not get here fast enough. We will be keeping an eye out for more MVCI details so make sure to stay tuned for more info!!

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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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