
Published on April 10th, 2018 | by thec0re3


FGO Presents: The Breakdown Episode 1!!

It has been a long time in the making but we are happy to present our first episode of the break down now available on the YouTube channel!! The break down takes an in-depth look at the game mechanics of different fighting games.

Our first fighting game feature takes a look at classic sword fighter The Last Blade 2. We hope to bring you more episodes on a regular basis but are still in the works for choosing our next title. Make sure to give us some feedback in the comment section and we and hope you enjoy the episode!

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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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