
Published on June 20th, 2019 | by thec0re3


Hanzo Makes The Latest Character Trailer For Samurai Shodown!!

It would seem SNK is introducing a new character everyday as the next trailer highlights the infamous ninja master:

Like Jubei, Hanzo dawns the name of another historical Samurai despite being romanticized as a ninja. While many of Hanzo’s basic attacks requires you to get up close and personal, he does have the shadows on his side which allows him to get in close along with air and ground projectiles that make approaching this character very tricky to deal with.

Players will be able to enjoy Hanzo and most of the original crew in just 6 days with the official release on June 25th for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 console.


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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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