
Published on August 22nd, 2017 | by thec0re3


Tekken World Tour Online NA West Finals Results!!

Update 08/22/2017 10:23 am- The first online North America finals is in the books. Here are the final top 4 results of each competition:

Xbox One
1. WayGamble
2. Rip
3. SVxBoogieTexasx
4. blk_brotha707

1. FP|Suiken
2. kongojack
3. Binchang
4. Inserity

Playstation 4
1. ITS|P. Ling
2. EkieofWichita
3. ITS Jchantra
4. PRIME Rich_SouthWest

The Tekken World Tour online North American west regional final event is about to start in just a few!!

Over 300+ competitors across different platforms competed at Sunday’s qualifying event to be showcased in today’s top 4 finale event. Tonight, players will compete for the highest ranking points in order to help place themselves atop the leader board for a chance to compete at the final TWT global event!!

RIP, who ranks 9th in the NA region at the moment, can place himself above the top 5 spot(needed to advance to the global finals) with a win here today. He will be fighting out of winner’s bracket in the XB1 bracket.

P. Ling, who recently took week 2 of gauntlet’s Rage Within online series and ranks 5th on the TWT leader board , could potentially secure his spot in the TWT global finals with a win today. He will be fighting out of winner’s brackets in the PS4 bracket later on.

We have added the stream below and hope you enjoy the first official main event for the online TWT!!

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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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