About thec0re3

thec0re3 Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

Author Archives: thec0re3

FGO Update!

February 26th, 2024 | by thec0re3

Hello people! Sorry for the long radio silence in terms of posts but I thought today would be a good

FGO is back!

October 20th, 2023 | by thec0re3

This is not a joke. FGO is back up! I might have gotten a little ahead of myself on announcing

FGO Closing Soon

October 12th, 2023 | by thec0re3

After 10 years of providing information on fighting games that you can play online, it is with a sad heart

Street Fighter 6 Review

June 18th, 2023 | by thec0re3

When it comes to the current landscape of video game development, taking risks on even something as legendary as the

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