First Look

Published on January 1st, 2023 | by thec0re3


First Look: Street Fighter 6

Surprised?!! It has been a long time since we have posted anything new but Capcom invited us to the 2nd Street Fighter 6 Beta(we signed up of course) and so I thought it would be nice to bring in the new year with a first look! As always, we talk about the origin of the game, talk about the presentation, game mechanics, and yes, the online experience. We hope you enjoy this one and we may have some additional posts coming in the future so stay tuned!!

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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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