
Published on January 28th, 2016 | by thec0re3


“Mysterious” Rumors Of KOFXIV Coming To Evo Revealed!!

After the latest trailer release for The King Of Fighters XIV, many fans are wondering what the next step is for SNKplaymore.

There have been a few speculations about them possibly bringing the build to EVO and after a compelling post found on reddit community site R/Kappa, we may just have a definite answer!!

A user going by the name of mysterious_snk_man had this information to share about SNKplaymore bringing KOFXIV to EVO:

  • New trailers planned one before Evo and another specifically for Evo.
  • Cinematic trailer will be highlighting Terry Bogard, Geese Howard, Newcomers, and be completely different from the others. As in no “Yagami you basard” intro then Kyo and Iori fight exactly the same as every trailer then revealing new characters.
  • SNKP will have a booth at Evo this year with the game playable. It will be a newer build with more than 6 characters.
  • 98FE and the PC Port of 97 are being looked into for a PS4 Release.
  • An exhibition is being planned for Evo as well as an announcement of a KoF League similar to the ones that Capcom and Team Ninja have been doing.


In previous interviews with KOFXIV producer Yasuyuki Oda, he has very much expressed wanting King Of Fighters XIV to be apart of EVO so the information being given above is not to far fetched.

With a roster of over 50 playable characters announced, SNKPlaymore has been pretty strategic in releasing their trailers something that they haven’t been known for doing in the past.

We definitely hope that some of these rumors shared by mysterious_snk_man come to pass as we are excited to learn more about what they have planned for the future of this franchise!!

Source: r/Kappa(mysterious_snk_man) via Luis Coelho

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About the Author

Founder of Fighting Games Online and self proclaimed "entertainment techie", thec0re3 takes immense enjoyment out of merging his love for video games and technology to educate, create, and participate in something he has enjoyed for more years than he would ever admit to.

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